Legislative Daily Update: Day 12 of 37
Brought to you by SDWF Camo-Coalition
There will be no session on Friday and Monday, next Leg day will be Tues. Feb. 4
On Tues. SB 75 will have its first hearing 10 am Senate Ag.
Today we seen HB 1121, 1181, 1184, 1200, and SB 79 and SB 124 introduced.
HB = House Bill SB = Senate Bill
SDWF comments on the Bill
Location of Bill and scheduled hearing of Bill
Link to actual Bill
House Bills:
HB 1059 revise certain provisions regarding hunting with drones. SDWF supports, it looks like they forgot some language in original bill. No Hearing scheduled, http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1059&Session=2020
HB 1071 revise provisions regarding surface water quality complaints. SDWF supports No Hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1071&Session=2020
HB 1095 revise requirements regarding hunting mentors SDWF supports, it appears to allow any adult to be a mentor resident or not No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1095&Session=2020
HB 1111 revise provisions regarding the qualifications to serve on the Game, Fish and Parks Commission. SDWF supports, if passed it would require each Commission candidate to show proof of criteria to serve as a Commissioner. No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1111&Session=2020
HB 1121 establish immunity from liability for the inherent risks of camping. SDWF is reading bill, No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1121&Session=2020
HB 1181 revise certain provisions regarding bounties for coyotes. SDWF monitoring No hearing Scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1181&Session=2020
HB 1184 provide limited deer and antelope licenses to landowners. SDWF is reading bill No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1184&Session=2020
HB 1200 establish dates for the mowing of ditches on the state trunk highway system. SDWF is reading bill No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1200&Session=2020
Senate Bills:
SB 75 provide for a habitat stamp on hunting and fishing licenses. SDWF supports, and has been working on the language of this bill with the sponsor and support the bill in its current form. Hearing; Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources, Room 412,Tuesday, February 4, 2020
10:00 AM http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=75&Session=2020
SB 79 modify provisions regarding the building of fences across certain unimproved highways SDWF reading bill, No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=79&Session=2020
SB 124 to revise provisions regarding group pheasant hunts for disabled veterans. SDWF will monitor No hearing scheduled http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=124&Session=2020
How to contact your Legislator:
Go to http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislators/ContactLegislator.aspx?Session=2020 this will pull up all members of the House and Senate simply click on the Legislator you want your message sent to and create or paste your message.
If you do not know who your Legislator is go to this link:
Or call and leave a message with the pages; tell them who message is for, the message, who you are. The page will deliver your phone message to their desk
Senate 773-3821
House 773-3851
Please write your response in your own words. It is fine to use our suggestions, but best if you do not simply just copy our points. Make your message a personal note from you to them. Include a family fishing picture if you have one for effect. As always, be polite and respectful.
Please include your name, number and address on all messages sent to your Legislators.
Thank you for all that you do! Together we can and do make a difference!