Legislative Daily Update: Day 25 of 37 2nd update
His week on Thursday is crossover day. It means the bills introduced must be passed out of house of origin.
HB 1184 lic. for non-resident landowners passed the House 54 to 14 Nays.
SB 75 is in House Ag. in the morning. Alert sent earlier
HB = House Bill SB = Senate Bill
Location of Bill and scheduled hearing of Bill
Link to actual Bill
House Bills:
HB 1121 establish immunity from liability for the inherent risks of camping. SDWF is monitoring bill. House Judiciary, 2-24-2020 http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1121&Session=2020
HB 1238 permit modification of the term of a perpetual conservation easement after the death of the grantor. SDWF strongly opposes this anti-conservation bill. It will effectively eliminate perpetual conservation easements and the tax benefits to landowners who sell the easements out of a need for income and/or a desire to preserve some land for future generations. This is an anti-property rights bill as well as an anti-conservationist bill House Ag. 2-25-2020, 745 am, Rm 414. http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1238&Session=2020
HB 1254 require a habitat stamp for certain hunting, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and jet skiing activities. SDWF is monitoring this bill. While it rightfully helps share the financial burden of providing habitat and access, it adds only a small subsection of the people who use our waters. For example, larger boats and pontoons not used for hunting or fishing are excluded. Only some smaller watercraft are included, many of which require no licensing at all, and regardless of how they are used. However, paddleboats are excluded. In addition, it is unclear is every person in a vessel needs a stamp, or if one stamp for the vessel is sufficient. This bill is headed in the right direction but needs more work. SDWF is working with the prime sponsor, who is willing to improve the verbiage of the bill. House Ag, 2-25-2020, 745 am, RM 414 http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1254&Session=2020
SB 75 provide for a habitat stamp on hunting and fishing licenses. SDWF supports, and has been working on the language of this bill with the sponsor and support the bill in its current form. Hearing; Passed Senate to House Ag on 2-25-2020, 745 am, Rm 414 http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=75&Session=2020
SB 124 to revise provisions regarding group pheasant hunts for disabled veterans. SDWF will monitor Passed Senate to House http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=124&Session=2020
SB 150 an act to revise nonresident waterfowl licensure. SDWF strongly opposes. The bill has the potential to double the hunting pressure in South Dakota, making it a lose-lose proposition for the vast majority of waterfowl hunters, resident and nonresident alike, who are not using guide services or pay-to-play operations. In addition, the bill removes the GF&P commission’s requirement to determine that adequate waterfowl hunting public access has been provided through the department’s land acquisition and development fund or through other means. Finally, the bill removes a funding mechanism (dollars taken from the sale of nonresident licenses) to partially fund the access program. This bill was written by outfitters for outfitters, with no regard to the long term consequences of the privatization and commercialization of wildlife. Passed Senate to House http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=150&Session=2020
SB 162 provide limitations on the use of lighting equipment while hunting. SDWF supports this bill. Many of the exceedingly dangerous and/or unethical practices allowed in recent years have been removed, while still allowing reasonable predator control. Passed Senate to House http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=162&Session=2020
Senate Bills:
HB 1095 revise requirements regarding hunting mentors SDWF supports; it allows any qualified adult to be a mentor, resident or not. Mentored youth must still be residents. Passed House to Senate. http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1095&Session=2020
HB 1181 revise certain provisions regarding bounties for coyotes. SDWF is monitoring. The bill allows counties to significantly raise the bounty on coyotes. However, at this point, no GF&P dollars are used, nor are counties using the system now in place. Passed House to Senate. http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1181&Session=2020
HB 1184 provide limited deer and antelope licenses to landowners. SDWF strongly opposes this bill. This bill gives guaranteed any deer and any antelope tags to nonresident landowners and their families STATEWIDE for all seasons and units. While we sympathize with nonresident landowners, our residents must come first. SDWF also encourages nonresidents to become residents of SD to enjoy all the benefits this state has to offer. Deer and antelope are limited natural resources belonging to the residents of South Dakota, so resident should have priority. Other points:
This bill could potentially remove deer and antelope tags from the pool of licensees now currently available, including those that go to resident landowners. The bill does not allow GF&P to reduce the number of tags if EHD, CWD, bad weather or other factors reduce the deer herd. SDWF feels the removal of many hundreds of deer does have a biological impact, especially if the deer herd is stressed. We feel if this passes, the current system of landowner preference for residents must be changed, but there is no political will to do so. Therefore, average sportsmen and women can expect a large reduction in deer hunting tags and opportunities. Passed House to Senate (amended) http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1184&Session=2020
HB 1257 revise certain provisions regarding hunting, fishing, or trapping on private property without permission. SDWF is monitoring. It mandates a higher than normal penalty for one specific Class Two misdemeanor, while leaving the penalty the same for hundreds of others. This bill takes away all judicial discretion based on the facts of each case. Passed House to Senate http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1257&Session=2020
HCR 6011 Supporting the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act. SDWF supports if RAWA is passed on a National level. With matching dollars from GFP RAWA would mean up to $16 Million dollars to the State GFP for non-game species, recovery and habitats on State and Tribal lands here in SD. Tribal funds are separate from the GFP money. Passed House to Senate http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?File=HCR6011P.html&Session=2020&Version=Introduced&Bill=HCR6011
HB 1059 revise certain provisions regarding hunting with drones. SDWF supports, brings the use of drones into alignment with federal laws. We would like to see the time period when drones cannot be used for hunting predators extended to cover all open big game seasons, but it is not in the bill. Passed House to Senate to Gov. http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1059&Session=2020
HB 1071 revise provisions regarding surface water quality complaints. Passed to 41st day (DEAD) http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1071&Session=2020
HB 1111 revise provisions regarding the qualifications to serve on the Game, Fish and Parks Commission. SDWF monitoring, if passed it would require each Commission candidate to show proof of criteria to serve as a Commissioner. House Ag Tabled by sponsor (DEAD). http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1111&Session=2020
HB 1200 establish dates for the mowing of ditches on the state trunk highway system. SDWF is monitoring. House transportation, sent to 41st day (DEAD) http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1200&Session=2020
HB 1236 revise provisions regarding the management of the animal damage control program. SDWF is monitoring, Pulled by sponsor (Dead). http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1236&Session=2020
HB 1256 fund shooting sports programs in public schools and to enhance outdoor recreational activities in the state SDWF supports the bill. The net effect is to spread the cost of habitat and access to lands and waters to all who benefit, including businesses. The bill also establishes and funds a shooting sports program in every public school district. Note this creates a new a new funding source that takes nothing from schools, teachers, nursing homes, or other critically important needs. This is not a tax on everyone, just those who use certain services during a third of the year. The money will help support a two billion dollar industry that keeps this state a great place to live and raise our children. Passed to 41st day. (DEAD) http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=1256&Session=2020
SB 79 modify provisions regarding the building of fences across certain unimproved highways SDWF is strongly opposed. Failed to pass Committee. (Dead) http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislative_Session/Bills/Bill.aspx?Bill=79&Session=2020
How to contact your Legislator:
Go to http://sdlegislature.gov/Legislators/ContactLegislator.aspx?Session=2020 this will pull up all members of the House and Senate simply click on the Legislator you want your message sent to and create or paste your message.
If you do not know who your Legislator is go to this link:
Or call and leave a message with the pages; tell them who message is for, the message, who you are. The page will deliver your phone message to their desk
Senate 773-3821
House 773-3851
Please write your response in your own words. It is fine to use our suggestions, but best if you do not simply just copy our points. Make your message a personal note from you to them. Include a family fishing picture if you have one for effect. As always, be polite and respectful.
Please include your name, number and address on all messages sent to your Legislators.
Thank you for all that you do! Together we can and do make a difference!