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SDWF 2025 Legislative Watch List

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VP Vandel, Rep DeGroot and I met with LRC representative L. Anita Thomas this afternoon.  We discussed adjusting the language in the “guide license bill” and its details.  LRC has concerns about abdicating legislative authority.  Also concerns of leaving it up to GFP with a “Trust US” feel.  VP Vandel Offered some adjustments and Rep DeGroot agreed.  The LRC will make adjustments and put a draft together.

She will work out details but she has given a caveat that ‘bare bones’ bills that ‘abdicate legislative authority’ may not be well received.  I will keep you informed when it comes out.

HB 1023 – An Act to modify the definition of a conviction for purposes of license revocation. 2025 House Bill 1023 | South Dakota Legislature

SDWF position is that we will monitor and likely support this revocation cleanup.  Reason given is some who plead no-contest/Alford type plea, fought revocation as a result.  Scheduled for hearing at House Judiciary 10:00 1/22/25

HB 1026 – An Act to make an appropriation for the replacement of the Richmond Lake dam and spillway, for the general maintenance and repair of other state-owned dams, and to declare an emergency.  2025 House Bill 1026 | South Dakota Legislature

SDWF position is that we will monitor and likely support

SB 8 – An Act to establish certain criminal offenses for boat operators and to provide penalties therefor. 2025 Senate Bill 8 | South Dakota Legislature

SDWF position is that we will monitor and likely support

SB 15 – An Act to expand the policy advisory committee for animal damage control.

SDWF worked for and gained volunteers from Sportsman’s groups/NGOs to balance the representation.  The SD Bowhunters, SD Pronghorn Foundation and the SD Chapter of BHA all signed on to join.  GFP Secretary has the power to add any organization onto the workgroup.  Begs the question, why add LOOA specifically?  Will reach out to sponsor (Crabtree-Madison)for a response.  The vast majority of the funding for the Animal Damage Control Program is provided by license fees and other fees paid by sportsmen and women.  Scheduled for hearing at the Senate Ag and Natural Resources at 10:00 1/23/25

SB 41 – An Act to clarify the minimum age requirements for a hunting license.

SDWF position is that we will monitor and likely support the language cleanup. I spoke to Secretary Robling about this today.  Makes mentoring easier as the mentee will receive the license and the mentor no longer needs written permission.  Scheduled for hearing at the Senate Ag and Natural Resources at 10:00 1/23/25

SB 46 – An Act to specify the funds into which certain boat fees are deposited.

SDWF position is that we will support BUT our support for SB46 be ‘conditioned’ that, those boat license funds accrued to the ‘parks and recreation fund’ shall be used for boating safety regulations compliance and enforcement purposes, to improve boating access through various development and improvement projects, and as ‘match funds’ as required, to allow GFP to ‘match’ federal funds coming to GFP from the US Coast Guard or other federal funding programs for those same purposes.  1/21/25 Referred to Senate Committee on Transportation.

SB 78 – An Act to authorize a change in bullet diameter for use in taking certain animals.

SDWF position is that we will monitor.  1/21/25 Referred to Senate Ag and Natural Resources.

SB 79 – An Act to permit the operation of a Class I electric bicycle on the Mickelson Trail.

SDWF position is to monitor and discuss

SDWF Members are encouraged to reach out to their legislators and Committee members with their opinions.  The Directors plan a conference call every Wednesday to discuss and finalize positions.

Dana Rogers
Executive Director, SDWF